6 Things Christians Should Stop Saying

I have heard every single one of these in some form or another, and it drives me crazy. Yes, as Christians we love God. We know he is always with us, and we want others to experience that same love. But why do we insist on turning everything in life, including God, into a cliche? We come off sounding insincere and fake. God is not a catchy tag line, like singing jingles for car dealers and toy stores. By having so little respect for Him you are diminishing Him in your own eyes and in the eyes of nonbelievers who may be watching you. Too often I see people I go to church with post on Facebook after service, “God really showed up and showed out this morning.” I know what they mean, but to read their post in the literal sense they make it sound like God is not always in our church. And the phrase, “show out” to me has negative meaning. As in, “my child got in trouble at school today for showing out in music class.” Why can’t we speak from our heart? Why do we look for the easiest way out by resorting to insincere cliches when speaking of our love for God? How would we feel if God treated us like a cliche?

Until next time . . .

Gospel Relevance

We all have that one friend that consistently says cheesy Christians clichés. I think most of us would agree that this is typically, well, very annoying. This is intensified when the sayings aren’t biblical. The motive behind saying them are usually noble, but they often simply aren’t true or helpful.

So, what are some of them?

Below are six things that Christians should stop saying:

1) Let Go and let God.  This phrase is typically used when in a trial. In a sense, I adore the “letting go” part if that means resting in God’s sovereignty, but when facing trials and tribulations, there are simply a lot of things that we can actually do. We can pray, study Scripture, confess sin, repent of sin, seek help from wise counsel, weep, mediate on Scripture, serve others, etc. “Letting go” has too much of a passive feel to it; it denotes that we…

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Overuse “I love you”

Who you are today could change the world for someone tomorrow.  You have a positive effect on the world.  Don't hold back the gifts that God gave you.  He gave them to you for a reason.  Share them with the world. Until next time . . .